Business and Management Systems

Undergraduate Degree

A degree in business and management systems equips you for virtually any management position where expertise in information technology is advantageous. The program offers a unique integration of the latest information technology trends with a strong foundation of business. Graduates in this field analyze organizational needs to provide technology-enabled management and operations solutions.

Today’s business leaders must be comfortable in a complex digital environment and have the skills to solve problems by efficiently synthesizing, analyzing and learning from vast amounts of information. They must also understand the growing role of technology in business and maximize its efficiency to support business operations and decision-making. Thus, all business majors are eligible to receive a minor in information science and technology without any additional coursework.

degree curriculum

Business Core

Your classes will include a core set of courses that will provide you with understanding of management, entrepreneurship, accounting, corporate finance, marketing, business law, business operations, business negotiations, and strategic management.

Common Core

You will join your information science and technology classmates in a common core set of classes. These classes reflect the theme of integration of business and technology, and represent information technology, management, quantitative, and communication skills.

Business Electives

To prepare yourself for a beginning career, you will take at least fifteen credit hours of business electives. You are encouraged to designate areas of concentration by pursuing one or more of over a dozen minors offered by our department in many popular, high-demand areas.

Experiential Learning

You will be required to engage in an experiential learning activity. These activities are designed to require you to go beyond mastering basic skills and knowledge in the practical application of that material, and allow you to learn in environments that align with your aptitudes.

Business Management Systems Four-Year Sample Schedule

Business Management Systems Four-Year Sample Schedule

NOTE: Current students should consult their degree audit report (found online at to view their specific degree requirements. Degree requirements change over time. Students are normally held to the requirements in effect when they began their college studies.
If you are a transfer student or have interrupted your studies for more than two consecutive semesters, special rules may apply to your situation

Business and Management Systems Curriculum - Effective Fall 2023

General Education (31 credit hours)

College Orientation (1 credit hour)

Natural Systems (6 credit hours)

Human Institutions (12 credit hours)

Communication Skills (12 credit hours)

Common Core Courses (30 credit hours)

Information Technology (12 credit hours)

Marketing/Finance (12 credit hours)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation (6 credit hours)

Business Core (21 credit hours)
Business Electives (15 credit hours)

Select any five courses (at 2000-level or above) from business, economics, enterprise resource planning, financeinformation science and technology or marketing. Click on each subject to see a list of courses under that subject area.

Some courses listed in the catalog are not regularly offered. Contact the department for up-to-date information on present course offerings.

Quantitative Skills (14 credit hours)
Free Electives (9 credit hours)
Total Credit Hours: 120

A grade of 'C' or better is required in all of the following: IS&T 1551, IS&T 1552, IS&T 1750, IS&T 4654, ERP 2110, FINANCE 2150, FINANCE 5310, MKT 3110, BUS 5150 OR MKT 5310, ECON 1100, ECON 1200, BUS 1110, BUS 1210, BUS 2910, BUS 3220, BUS 5111, BUS 5360, BUS 5580, BUS 5730, BUS 5980, and all Business Electives (any BUS, ERP, FINANCE, MKT, or IS&T designated course at the 3000-level or above).

1 Mathematical Science is any MATH, STAT, COMPSCI, or IS&T course not otherwise covered in the degree program. For definition of Science refer to footnote 2.
2 Science is any course in biological science, chemistry, geology, geological engineering or physics.
3 Any course in the following areas not used for other degree requirements: Art, economics, English, foreign language, history, literature, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, theater.

Click here to browse this degree program in the official university course catalog.


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Even if you have already chosen a major, you might want to consider one of our department's minors. Our minors continue to be among the most popular on campus, and provide you with valuable business and information technology expertise coming out of college.

Explore minors

Emphasis Areas

Secondary Education emphasis

High school business teachers are responsible for courses including accounting, entrepreneurship, personal finance, web design, computer applications, and more. Teaching high school is a challenging but rewarding career. Through this emphasis area, you can earn both a bachelor’s degree in business and management systems and certification to teach at the secondary level in the schools of Missouri.

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Military Science emphasis

You may earn a B.S. degree in business and management systems from Missouri S&T with an emphasis in Military Science as a member of the Army ROTC Program at Missouri S&T.  This program can be completed in four academic years.

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Your career

As a graduate of the business and management systems program, you’ll be trained with fundamental business skills, as well as prepared to use information systems and their associated technologies to make informed business decisions. There are many career opportunities and students benefit greatly in terms of their education and the advantage they have seeking full-time employment once they graduate.

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Accelerated Graduate Degree Programs

You can earn your master's degree in as little as one additional year after completing your bachelor's degree. Our graduate track pathway and 4+1 programs allow you to complete some of your graduate coursework during your last year of undergraduate studies. This saves you time and money when compared to the traditional course schedule.

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For future students

Freshmen checking-in to residence halls at move-in day

To apply for admission to Missouri S&T, choose the selection below that best describes your application status.

Contact the office of admissions for more information:

Toll-free Phone: 800-522-0938
Local Phone: 573-341-4165